week's episode of Arrow, titled The Candidate, will feature the debut of Jeri
Ryan as Jessica Danforth an old friend of the Queen family, and Echo Kellum as
Curtis Holt, a genius who will become the superhero known as Mr. Terrific.
When an old family
friend, Jessica Danforth (guest star Jeri Ryan), tells Oliver (Stephen Amell)
and Thea (Willa Holland) that she is going to run for mayor, both Queens are
concerned considering the last three mayors have been murdered. Despite their
protests, Jessica makes her announcement so the Green Arrow and Speedy vow to
protect her. Meanwhile, Thea begins to exhibit effects from the Lazarus Pit. In
addition, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) is faced with a tough business
decision and looks to one of her employees, Curtis Holt (guest star Echo
Kellum), for help.
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