F Matthew Vaughn Is Writing & Might Direct Kingsman 2 | Galactic News One

Matthew Vaughn Is Writing & Might Direct Kingsman 2

One of the most entertaining films of the year thus far was Matthew Vaughn and Jane Goldman's adaptation of Dave Gibbons and Mark Millar's The Secret Service. The brightly colored, highly stylized, and incredibly violent riff on the spy genre and particularly on James Bond, managed to score a respectable box-office gross, which led the 20th century Fox and Vaughn to start thinking about a possible sequel.

Back in April the studio announced that a sequel was coming, and now while speaking to Yahoo! UK, Vaughn confirmed that he is working hard on the sequel, but more importantly that he might break is no sequel rule and helm the second entry in the franchise.

"Well, the good news is that I’m writing it next door at the moment. If I think I can get the script good enough, then we are making it," he said. "We are doing our damndest to make that happen." Though that doesn't mean he's onboard to direct, his next comment does seem to indicate that he might break one of his cardinal rules. "I’m in love with these characters and I want to work with them again so I’ll probably be breaking the rule of [me] tending not to make sequels," Vaughn added.

With only five directorial credits boasting his name, Vaughn managed to stay away from doing sequels. He skipped on the less successful Kick-Ass 2 and ditched X-Men: Days of Future Past to work on Kingsman.

Source - Yahoo! UK
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