F Wonder Woman Movie Set In The 1920's? | Galactic News One

Wonder Woman Movie Set In The 1920's?

Two weeks ago, Warner Bros. "announced" the release date for the Wonder Woman standalone film following her debut in Zack Snyder's Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

The question of when the movie would take place was never asked, and just I assumed that it would be set in the modern day, but it would seem that I would be wrong, at least according to Bleeding Cool which claims that the greenlit version of the script is set in the 1920's.

According to them there are three Wonder Woman movies being planned. The first movie will feature a power struggle on Paradise Island, which ends when a man (Steve Trevor or not) arrives and asks the Amazonians for help. Diana answers the call and travels with him back to the World of Men, where we discover that it's the roaring twenties.

The sequel would then fast-forward our character in time to World War II, with another time jump happening in the third film, where Wonder Woman would team-up with the Justice League of America.

Does this make any sense? Not really sure, how about you?

Source - Bleeding Cool

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