F Bryan Singer And Simon Kinberg Talk X-Men: Apocalypse | Galactic News One

Bryan Singer And Simon Kinberg Talk X-Men: Apocalypse

X-Men: Days of Future Past is nearly upon us, but we are already thinking about the next film in the X-Men franchise, X-Men: Apocalypse, Singer announced a couple of months ago. Later Singer revealed that the new picture would address the mutant origins and how “we think about our Gods and our history and miracles and powers.”

In the latest edition of Empire, Singer explained why do a mutant origin story and what was the basis for the story.

“One thing that interests me is the notion of ancient mutants,” Singer says. “What would people thousands of years ago, without the benefit of science, think mutants were? And more importantly, what would mutants thousands of years ago think they were? Gods? Titans? Angels? Demons? And if such mutants did exist thousands of years ago, what became of them? Did one survive?”

Apocalypse or En Sabah Nur, is the “ancient mutant” that Singer is talking about. He live 5000 years ago in the city of Aqaba in Jordan and travel the world getting civilizations to worship him like a god because of his mutant powers (Super-strength, super-stamina, super-speed, invulnerability, he can fly and teleport, telekinesis, he can change his form and size. He can also absorb and project energy blasts as well as create force-shields. Due to his techno-organic body, Apocalypse can directly interface with various technologies.)

Singer adds that X-Men Apocalypse will be “more of a First Class sequel” and “It’ll take place sometime after this movie. What happens in this movie brings about what’ll happen in that movie.”

Screenwriter Simon Kinberg then added:
“We like the stakes of it, and it feels like a story that could impact a lot of our favorite characters in big, dramatic ways. We feel it’s a very different story from Days of Future Past. For starters, it’s a very different villain, and the characters will be in very different places emotionally.”

Finally Singer dismissed the rumors that in the post credit scene of Days of Future Magneto will be possessed by an alien and transformed into Apocalypse:

“That’s not the case, and nor will that particular thing be in the film,” said Singer. “People were concerned we were making Apocalypse an alien. It’s odd. I don’t know where that came from.”

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