Where is Luke
Skywalker? is the question every Star Wars fan is asking. He is nowhere to be
seen in the posters and images, and the only glimpse we have of him is of his
robotic hand softly touching R2-D2.
So do you
want to know where Luke has been and what he has been doing? Well J.J. Abrams
and Mark Hamill aren't going to tell you, but they sure do tease him.
"No one forgot about him!" joked J.J. Abrams
when speaking to Entertainment Weekly. "We were hoping people would care,
but there are a lot of things that are not on the poster, as busy as the poster
is. Certainly Luke is a very important aspect of the story."

Like Daisy Ridley's character Rey, who was left alone on
the seemingly almost barren planet of Jakku as a child, without a clue as to why?
"To someone who is living alone and struggling
without a formal education or support system, who knows what that person in the
literal middle of nowhere would have ever heard about any of these things, or
would ever know, and how much that person would have to infer and piece
together on their own," Abrams says. "So the idea that someone like
that would begin to learn that the Jedi were real, and that the Force exists,
and that there’s a power in the universe that sounds fanciful but is actually
possible, was an incredibly intriguing notion."
John Boyega’s Finn on the other hand, he was raised to
be a Stormtrooper for The First Order, so he has actually heard of Luke
Skywalker, but has you can expect the last Jedi was painted more as a villain than
anything else.
"For Finn, he’s been raised from the ashes of the
Empire," says Boyega. "He’s been taught about Luke Skywalker, he
knows about his history. For him it’s like joining the army and then learning
about one of the great enemies of your country. It has that effect on him. But
in terms of the Force, and the magical stuff that happens, that is the point
where Finn kind of questions what is what. What is the Force, what part does
Luke Skywalker play in all of this?"
But Luke wasn't the only savior of the galaxy, Han
gave a helping hand. Well it seems that on the threat scale the smuggler doesn't
rank as high as Luke.
"To a stormtrooper they’ve probably been given a
watered down bit about Han Solo or something," Boyega adds. "It
doesn’t feel as magical and mythical and historical, so you know. It’s quite
fun playing that not really knowing who these people are."
Finally for everyone questioning whether the
lightsaber Finn is carrying around is Luke's? The answer is a big yes. The lightsaber
we have seen Finn use is the same that Anakin used, and that was passed down to
Luke by Obi-Wan. How it ends up on Finn's hands after falling to the bowels of
Cloud City where Luke lost his hand and Darth Vader revealed himself to be
Luke's father is a mystery. The lightsaber itself will be according to Abrams,
"an important piece of the puzzle that will reveal Luke's fate and
Star Wars: The Force Awakens stars Carrie Fisher,
Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, John
Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Lupita Nyong'o, Adam Driver, Oscar
Isaac, Domnhall Gleason, Gwendoline Christie, Max von Sydow, Andy Serkis,
Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew, Kenny Baker, Warwick Davis, Crystal Clarke, and
Pip Andersen.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens opens on December 18.
Source - EW
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