F Star Wars Episode VII Release Date Confirmed? And Darth Vader Themed TV Specials | Galactic News One

Star Wars Episode VII Release Date Confirmed? And Darth Vader Themed TV Specials

Although still maintaining a tight lid on things, some information’s have gradually beginning to appear. Today a brochure from Disney’s presentation at the European Brand Licensing Show, gave made its way online and gave us a clue as to what we can expect from the Star Wars empire. This piece of information comes courtesy of Jedi News, which posted a picture with more details to those they singled out.

This is a page from the Disney brochure given out to the attendees of the European Brand Licensing Show. This is the detailed current calendar plan from Disney for the Star Wars brand. Plenty of little bits of info that will stir much debate and discussion:

- Star Wars Mobile LEGO games following on from successful app releases of the Batman and Harry Potter platform ports. Coming in Spring / Summer 2014.

- A Star Wars Digital Library is to launch in Autumn / Winter 2014.

- Confirmation that the plan remains for Star Wars Episode VII to be released in the Spring / Summer of 2015.

- But perhaps the most surprising, exciting and fast approaching news is the release of “Darth Vader Themed TV Specials.”

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