F Kevin Feige Talks Punisher, Ghost Rider, Blade, Inhumans, Daredevil, Runaways and Marvel Zombies | Galactic News One

Kevin Feige Talks Punisher, Ghost Rider, Blade, Inhumans, Daredevil, Runaways and Marvel Zombies

In a recent interview to EW, Kevin Feige the Guru of Marvel Films talked about Punisher, Ghost Rider, Blade, Inhumans, Daredevil, Runaways and Marvel Zombies Films.

About The Inhumans Feige said that:
Inhumans is cool, they’re really great characters. The most powerful guy is the king who doesn’t say a word and if he does — lookout. That’s awesome. And the notion of the Terrigen Mists, this notion that you go through and don’t know what you’re going to be on the other side, is incredibly compelling dramatically. In other words, all the craziness that comes with Inhumans, we’ve done in the other movies already, but this would have some of the social drama that we haven’t really done yet. [Fox’s] X-Men, obviously, has been touching on that stuff for a while.”

About Ghost Rider, Blade and the Punisher:
“So PunisherGhost Rider, … Blade, all those characters are back. They all have potential, but I think we need to find the right time.”

“We’re not going to say, we got it back — make it.”

The Runaways:
“It’s a matter of where it fits. The way the business is working now, you either have really inexpensive, sort of surprise movies that can come out and be hits, but don’t cost much. Or you have the big giant summer blockbusters that really swing for the fences. Right now, we’re just swinging for the fences every time. Runaways sort of falls in between those, in a way. We just haven’t found where or how to do it… right now.”

And how about Marvel Zombies:
“I know… Zombies is such a funny thing because its such a cool comic and it’s such a cool idea, but the bigger profile becomes what starts to happen [with fans].  Are you going to draw figures in chalk with your 3-year-old with Hulk eating someone? Or Captain America with his brains coming out of the top of his head? Probably not.”
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