the last few weeks we have been talking (1, 2) about the possibility of Hellboy
3 and how it seems a little too far away and after the interview to collider
fans are going to be ever so disappointed in the fact that del Toro doesn’t
seem all that confident about the possibility of a third and final installment
in the franchise.
“Collider: Hellboy 3. It
seems like a project that, honestly, might not ever happen. Is it
something that you think still could happen, or is it something that the cards
really have to come together?
GUILLERMO DEL TORO: It’s very unlikely it’ll happen because you need
things to converge so strongly. [Producer] Larry Gordon, Universal, the
rights, Ron [Perlman’s] and mine’s availability, [comic creator] Mike
[Mingola’s] blessing; we have pieces of that, but we don’t have all of
that. You need so many things to confluence and then you need about $150
It’s funny, every time I see stories I’m
thinking, “Man, people are just not understanding how much money it’s going to
take to make a third Hellboy.
TORO: Well it’s funny because any decision you make in a career seen from the
outside, it seems like a puzzling act of will, like “Why did he do this and
didn’t do that? Why did he choose this and didn’t choose that?” You
literally wait for a door to open on one of the projects you love, and then you
go and do it. If it was up to me, my second movie after Cronos wouldn’t have been Mimic, it would’ve been Devil’s Backbone. If I could after Devil’s
Backbone, I
would’ve done The
Left Hand of Darkness, the Count of Monte
Cristo Western
I have. I would have done Mephisto’s Bridge, List
of Seven.
I have written about 20, 22, 23 screenplays, I’ve done 8 movies. So that
means there are over a dozen screenplays that I haven’t made.
sucks because you have the idea for Hellboy
3, you have the story, but at the same time you’re being given so
many opportunities to tackle these amazing other properties, do you want to
spend another 2, 3 years making Hellboy when you could make all these other
DEL TORO: The way Hellboy
1 and Hellboy
2 are very different from each
other, Hellboy
3 is different enough from the
other two that it wouldn’t feel like the same universe in scale. He does
become the beast of the apocalypse. But seeing the apocalypse is getting
more and more—the bar is raised higher and higher every year; mass destruction is
becoming the sport of the summer.
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