F Josh Trank And Tom Hardy Team-Up For Al Capone Biopic | Galactic News One

Josh Trank And Tom Hardy Team-Up For Al Capone Biopic

Josh Trank is back after the hot mess that was Fantastic Four with an intriguing proposition. The filmmaker is set to direct Fonzo, an Al Capone biopic that he himself wrote, and that has Tom Hardy set to star.

Fonzo marks a change of direction for Trank, who only has two films under his belt, both sci-fi and both centered on teens/young adults with superpowers.

The film follows a 47 year-old Al Capone, who following a decade of imprisonment, sees dementia begin to settle and "his past becomes present as harrowing memories of his violent and brutal origins melt into his waking life." The famed gangster died at the age of 48 from cardiac arrest after having struggled with syphilis-related problems including the aforementioned dementia.

Hardy is set to play the ruthless mob boss, who ruled over Chicago with an iron fist during Prohibition era.

Fonzo is currently in pre-production, and doesn't have a release date just yet.
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