While talking to Empire, Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige addressed a
question that some are beginning to wonder: Will any of our heroes die at some
point? and if there was a point in Captain America: The Winter Soldier that
they thought about killing Fury?
never actually discussed doing it, no," he said. "Maybe as part of a
very early general conversation. But it didn't go particularly far before the
idea that ended up in the film came up."
When pressed about the possibility of killing some major character in
Avengers: Age of Ultron, Feige replied:
"You never know. Again, we take our cues from the comics and
everyone knows that in comics and soap operas, people die and come back. Except
for Uncle Ben and Bucky, but oh! Bucky's going to come back and it's going to
be awesome. When appropriate to the story, we certainly will not hesitate.
Frigga is dead. She's not coming back. Big funeral."
Ok Frigga is dead. She
wasn't exactly a major character in Thor: The Dark World, and if they intend to
renovate the Avengers roster with new characters so they can keep on going with
the MCU, then death is probably the best way to go, because simply removing the
character and say that they left the team because whatever, doesn't really cut
The conversation then
focused on how will the team come together after what happen in Captain
America: The Winter Soldier. There isn't exactly a S.H.I.E.L.D. to summon the
team anymore.
"The dynamic certainly has changed. For us that was one of the
benefits of doing this storyline - that it will force them to use something
different in their next team-up than S.H.I.E.L.D., which basically provided the
groundwork and the basis by which they assembled the first time."
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