F James McAvoy Talks Filth And X-Men: Days of Future Past | Galactic News One

James McAvoy Talks Filth And X-Men: Days of Future Past

At the premiere of John S. Baird’s Filth, star James McAvoy commented on how independent films take more risks with the story than mainstream ones, mostly because of the smaller budget, but independently of that there is still money involved and peoples life’s and careers on the line, so they aren’t that far apart. Filth stars McAvoy, Imogen Poots, Jamie Bell, Ian De Caestecker, Eddie Marsan and Jim Broadbent.

Despite it being the premiere for Filth, McAvoy answered some questions regarding the upcoming X-Men: Days of Future Past, saying that he only heard about Apocalypse that morning and that DOFP is "The biggest X-Men film yet, without a doubt."

"The personal pleasure for me in 'First Class' was presenting a Charles Xavier to the fans, but also a new audience, who's very different from the Charles that you expected. But he was still very sort of 'Everything's going good!' In the second movie I get to present another version of Charles Xavier who's still very different from the Charles that used to exist, but he's also remarkably different from the Charles in 'First Class' as well. So what's great is that even though it's a sequel, even though it's a franchise, I keep getting to reinvent Charles Xavier and that's amazing. I've got to do it twice now, because the Charles in this film is unrecognizable from the Charles in the last film as well unrecognizable from the Charles played by Patrick Stewart, who I then get to face up to. That's sort of theatrical almost, it's like we're playing a game with the audience saying 'Look at the many faces of Charles-Patrick-Stewart-Xavier-McAvoy. It's really good fun."

X-Men: Days of Future Past opens May 23, 2014 and X-Men: Apocalypse opens May 27, 2016.

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