The James Bond film franchise is not without its problems. During the years lawsuits, problems with actors and other calamities infested the Bond franchise, but despite these issues it provided hours and hours of delightful entertainment. One of such problems is related with Thunderball, which begun its life as an original screenplay by Ian Fleming and Kevin McClory, but Fleming decided to get rid of McClory and publish the novel himself, without making any mention of McClory who with Flming came up with the idea for the story. This didn’t go well and years and years of legal battles ensue.
after decades of legal battles and two unofficial movies (Thunderball and Never
Say Never Again) later, it seems that finally the legal issues about ownership
regarding the content in the novel are finally done.
HitFix, MGM and Danjaq have finally reached a settlement deal, which makes the
studio is now able to use the iconic man with the cat, Ernst Stavro Blofeld and
the evil organization SPECTRE.
Sam Mendes is currently developing Bond 24 and although it’s unlikely that we
will get to see Blofeld and SPECTRE play a major part in the film, but there is
the possibility of some Easter Eggs or maybe after credit scene setting up the
next film.
24 opens on October 23, 2015 in the UK and in November 6, 2015 in the US.
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