Can anyone stop the strongest,
ruthless, and smartest there is?
Hulk is the strongest there
is! Now, he’s the smartest, most calculating, ruthless villain there is too!
This June, ask yourselves – can anyone stop the Maestro? That’s the question
when the oppressive lord of Dystopia comes to Battleworld for FUTURE IMPERFECT #1! Legendary writer Peter David returns to the nuclear ravaged
wastelands he made famous alongside artist Greg Land for an explosive all-new Secret
Wars tale! Now calling himself the Maestro, the Hulk stands triumphant
over the world’s heroes and villains having bested them all! Ruling his domain
on Battleworld, his gamma-fisted tyranny knows no bounds. Can anyone stop him?
Nobody knows – but that won’t stop a small band of rebels led by X-FACTOR from
trying! The battle for freedom begins this June in the bombastic pages of FUTURE
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