F Heroes Creator Talks Heroes Reborn | Galactic News One

Heroes Creator Talks Heroes Reborn

Back in February NBC announced that they were looking to bring back their popular show Heroes with a reboot titled Heroes Reborn. The show is only supposed to hit in 2015, but a few details have been already revealed, like Jack Coleman's return.

In an interview to EW, series creator Tim Kring revealed something's about the upcoming new series, and what we can expect from it.

"To be honest, it wasn’t a pitch from me, it was a pitch from NBC to me," Kring revealed about the series' origin. "They saw the value in that franchise and brand and asked if I was interested in helming it again. And we had left the story in a place where we had more story to tell. So given the opportunity, I had ideas of where I wanted the story to go originally when we were hoping for a fifth season and so when we were given the opportunity five years late, some of those same thoughts were there as to where this story goes. But five years had passed and I also had new ideas on how to reboot the brand in away that gives people a whole fresh take on the series with a whole host of new characters but gives you that sense of you’re in that world of Heroes you’re familiar with."

Kring then talked about why they decided to mainly focus on the new characters and not on those from the previous series.

"The vast, vast majority are brand new characters, brand new ideas. [Bringing back previous characters is] really only to give a sense of continuity and a tether to the original world. If it was all completely brand new, we’d miss certain elements that need to be there to give you that bridge to cross to something new. I approached Coleman because he was a character who had a spine through the series that allowed you to meet new characters. So he’s a character I wanted to make sure had a little part at the beginning of this thing."

Source - EW

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