Check out this new banner from
Noam Murro’s 300: Rise of an Empire, starring Sullivan Stapleton as General
Themistokle, Rodrigo Santoro as Xerxes, Eva Green as Artemesia, Lena Headly as
Queen Gorgo, Hans Matheson, David Wenham as Dilios, Igal Naor as King Darius,
Callan Mulvey as Scyllias, Jack O’Connell as Calisto and Andrew Tiernan as
The story is based on a graphic
novel by Frank Miller, called Xerxes. 300: Rise of An Empire and was written by
Zack Snyder and Kurt Johnstad.
300: Rise Of An Empire is
schedule to open on March 7th of 2014.
300: Rise Of An Empire Official
Based on Frank Miller’s latest
graphic novel Xerxes and told in the breathtaking visual style of the
blockbuster “300,” this new chapter of the epic saga takes the action to a
fresh battlefield—on the sea—as Greek general Themistokles (Sullivan Stapleton)
attempts to unite all of Greece by leading the charge that will change the
course of the war. “300: Rise of an Empire” pits Themistokles against the
massive invading Persian forces led by mortal-turned-god Xerxes (Rodrigo
Santoro), and Artemesia (Eva Green), vengeful commander of the Persian navy.
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