Now that Clerks 3 and
the Mallrats sequel are seemingly dead in the water, Kevin Smith is turning to
another corner of his universe.
In 2015, the
writer/director said he was getting serious about making Clerks 3, however,
when the idea for a Mallrats sequel appeared, Smith put the Clerks sequel back
on the shelve and started making casting announcements regarding Mallrats 2.
Now, in a Facebook
post, Smith revealed that Clerks 3 is dead as a result of one of the film's
four leads not wanting to be in the movie, and Mallrats 2, which was subsequently
adapted into a television series, that is dead as well since none of the six
networks he pitched the idea to decided to pick it up.
So what do the cards
say for Smith's future? Well…a Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back sequel, of
"And so all last
month, I had the time of my life laughing while writing "Jay and Silent
Bob Reboot" – a fun flick in which the Jersey boys have to go back to
Hollywood to stop a brand new reboot of the old "Bluntman & Chronic
Movie" they hated so much. It’s a tongue-in-cheek, silly-ass satire that
pokes fun at the movie business’s recent re-do obsession, featuring an all-star
cast of cameos and familiar faces! And I already met with the good folks at
Miramax and they’re into it, so I’m hoping we’ll be shooting in the summer!"
Smith also points out
that he doesn't own the rights to Chasing Amy, Dogma, Mallrats, or Clerks, but
he does however to Jay and Silent Bob, so while a sequel to any of those films is
probably higher on his and his fans' lists, it is easier to get a Jay and
Silent Bob sequel off the ground.
Smith's cinematic
career has been on a nosedive since his infamous 2010 action/comedy Cop Out where
he and star Bruce Willis butted heads. His follow-up projects, the horror/thriller
Red State (2011), and the two-thirds of his True North trilogy, Tusk (2014) and
Yoga Hosers (2016) bombed miserably in theaters, so maybe returning to a familiar
property could revitalize his film career.
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