CBS Films has released a new trailer for Peter Berg's Patriots Day, the
latest collaboration between the director and his Lone Survivor and Deepwater
Horizon star Mark Wahlberg.
The drama relives the events surrounding the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing
and resulting terrorist manhunt. Wahlberg leads the film as a Police Sergeant,
who alongside surviving civilians, first responders, and investigators, race
against the clock to track down the bombers before they detonate yet another
Also starring Melissa Benoist, Michelle Monaghan, John Goodman, J.K.
Simmons, Alex Wolff, Kevin Bacon, and Michael Beach, Berg's Patriots Day opens
in theaters on December 21st before going wide on January 13, 2017
In the aftermath of an unspeakable act of terror, Police Sergeant Tommy
Saunders (Mark Wahlberg) joins courageous survivors, first responders and
investigators in a race against the clock to hunt down the bombers before they
strike again. Weaving together the stories of Special Agent Richard Deslauriers
(Kevin Bacon), Police Commissioner Ed Davis (John Goodman), Sergeant Jeffrey
Pugliese (J.K. Simmons) and nurse Carol Saunders (Michelle Monaghan) this
visceral and unflinching chronicle captures the suspense of the most
sophisticated manhunt in law enforcement history and the strength of the
people of Boston.
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