A new clip from this week's episode of NBC's Heroes Reborn has been
released online and it features Farah (Nazneen Contractor) training Malina
(Danika Yarosh) in how to use her powers before having to use her own to stop a
random traveler from giving away their positions.
In search of someone from his past, Noah Bennet (Jack Coleman) breaks in to
Renautas for answers. Miko (Kiki Sukezane) continues her rescue mission and
travels in search of her sword. Elsewhere, Tommy (Robbie Kay) must use his
ability to save the life of someone close to him. Meanwhile, Luke (Zachary
Levi) comes up against unexpected obstacles in his relationship with his wife,
Joanne (Judi Shekoni), while Carlos (Ryan Guzman) takes major steps forward in
his heroic journey. Gatlin Green, Henry Zebrowski, Danika Yarosh and Rya
Khilstedt also star. Eve Harlow, Cle Bennett, Toru Uchikado, Lucius Hoyos, Jake
Manley and Nazneen Contractor also guest star.
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