With a five year plan
in place, and the majority of the cast already locked, one superhero has been
proven illusive for Warner Bros.' to cast in their upcoming DC Comics shared
cinematic universe, which started with Zack Snyder's Man of Steel, and will
take a giant leap forward next March when Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
opens, and starts introducing such characters as Cyborg (Ray Fisher), or Wonder
Woman (Gal Gadot), before the floodgates are completely open with the follow
up, Justice League: Part One.
So far the only thing
we truly know about the Green Lantern solo movie is that it will be released in
2020, however, an interesting rumor surfaced quite recently claiming that it
will feature not one but two human Green Lanterns. Supposedly titled Green
Lantern Corps., the film will introduce GL Hal Jordon, for which Chris Pine is allegedly
in talks for, and GL John Stewart, for which Tyrese Gibson has being
championing to play.
While at the Blu-ray
junket for Furious 7 in Abu Dhabi, Collider spoke with the actor about the superhero
"Well I was
innocent from the beginning. I was at home eating a bowl of Lucky Charms in my
drawers, my ugly feet were out, and I got about six direct messages on
Instagram with photos of me as the Green Lantern. This particular fan who did
this fan art said that there was a community of people that had been talking
for like a month and a half about who they think would be the best Green
Lantern and they all picked me. I said to them, ‘I took the oath, and I am
going to commit myself to this process of seeing what’s possible.’"
Fan casting or not,
the fact is that Gibson has met with the studio to talk about the role.
"I’ve already
had a couple of meetings at Warner Bros., so we’ll see what happens. I do
believe that there needs to be more black superheroes out there, but that’s not
even my motivation. I think I would be the best Green Lantern and based on my
fans and supporters that spent around $6 billion in box office receipts, I feel
like there’s a fanbase of fans out there waiting to see me put on this green
suit and do my thing. So I would love to confirm something today but I can’t.
We’ll just keep following up."
At this time it's
impossible to predict when the studio will officially announce any casting
regarding the character, since we still don't know when he will appear. If it's
in Snyder's Justice League: Part One then it should be soon, if not then we
just have to wait.
Source - Collider
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