Late last month, 20th Century Fox greenlit the sequel to the 1996 Roland
Emmerich sci-fi action summer blockbuster, Independence Day. However, the announcement
revealed that instead of the expected two new films, the studio had only given
the OK to one. Now speaking to the Nerd Reactor, producer Dean Devlin commented
on the decision to make just one film instead of two, and confirmed that Emmerich
is definitely on board to helm the sequel.
“We decided just to do one first to make sure that people like where we’re
going, If that works well, there’s an ability to do some world building
which would be really fun and interesting to do. I think Roland and everybody
felt, let’s just make sure 20 years later that people still are interested. I
think in our case, we started to feel that maybe we were being a little bit
arrogant by assuming that we could do two movies. We said you know what, let’s
scale it down. Let’s first make sure that it works for everyone.”
Devlin also confirmed that the plan is to film Independence Day 2 and then
the Stargate reboot.
“Unfortunately, we have to wait until we finish Independence Day for that. Roland wants to direct that one too. Hopefully we go into that
right afterwards.”
What do you think?
Source - Nerd Reactor
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