The winter finale of The CW's The Flash is today, and Barry will finally come
face-to-face with the man responsible for his mother's death for an epic
Speaking to Collider, executive producer Andrew Kreisberg teased fans with
what they can expect when the show returns in 2015.
"When the show comes back, we have a really exciting run. We’ve
got Wentworth Miller and Dominic Purcell for our Prison Break reunion.
It’s going to be the first team up of Captain Cold and Heat Wave in an episode
called “Revenge of the Rogues.” There are a lot of big revelations in
Episode 9, and you’ll see how that plays out in Episode 10. Hopefully,
we’ll continue to build on all of the stuff that people have been excited about
in these first nine episodes. We’ve got more romance. Grant Gustin
sings on camera. Cisco goes on the world’s worst date. We’ve got
more Firestorm and Victor Garber and Clancy Brown. We’re having so much
fun making the show. We’re so proud of it, and we are so excited that
fans are as excited about watching the show as we are making it."
Kreisberg also spoke about the recent announcement that Star Wars legend
Mark Hamill would be reprising his Trickster role from the 90's live-action tv
"We’ve had it in our minds since the day we said we were going to make
the show. Greg [Berlanti] and Geoff [Johns] and I were such huge fans of
the original show. We got John Wesley Shipp to play Henry Allen.
Amanda Pays is returning in tomorrow night’s episode, playing the part of Tina
Obviously, John is playing a new part, but with Amanda and Mark,
they’re not exactly playing the same Tina McGee and Trickster that were on the
original series. They’re playing what I like to call an echo of those
characters. So, there’s glimpses of those characters, but for the
characters on our show, there wasn’t a Flash 20 years ago. They’re just
getting introduced to The Flash on this series. Both shows are about The
Flash, but they’re very different tonally and characterization wise. It’s
not a question of having the same old characters pop in on our show. It’s
a question of taking those characters and making them fit tonally into the show
that we’re producing today."
Finally the executive producer was asked just how do the Flash team feed
the incarcerated meta-humans? I mean the mist could easily get way.
"We’re actually going to address that in an upcoming episode. I
know a bunch of people have asked how they get bathroom breaks, and
whatnot. So, if that is one of the burning questions people have, the
answer to that will be coming in 2015."
Source - Collider
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