F The Girder Joins The Flash | Galactic News One

The Girder Joins The Flash

The first season of The Flash is quickly putting together a large quantity villains of the titular hero's rogues gallery, as according to TV Line, in addition to the Weather Wizard in the pilot, and Prison Break star Wentworth Miller's as Captain Cold, Tony Woodward, aka Girder, who they say is a grinning lunkhead who loves destruction,” and an “unstoppable force… who can transmute any part of his body into solid steel.”

In the source material Girder is a super-villain made of living iron and an enemy of The Flash. His powers come from an industrial accident while working at a metal plant, where he was accidentally exposed to S.T.A.R. Labs technologies. He is a member of the Rogues, beginning under the leadership of Blacksmith. Girder was created by Geoff Johns and Ethan Van Sciver, first appearing in Flash: Iron Heights.”

What do you think?

P.S. He does rust!

Source – TV Line

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