Directed by Shinji Higuchi (Evangelion), and written
by Yusuke Watanabe, the live-action adaptation of Hajime Isayama's hit manga
and anime, Shingeki no Kyojin, or Attack on Titan, is in prudoction and is slated for 2015 release.
The movie will feature some new ideas, not original to
the manga, but worry not as Isayama is on board as a supervisor, to see that
things are done well.
I'm probably in the minority when it comes to the
live-action adaptations of mangas or animes, and while it's true that some are hideous
(Dragonball: Evolution, Speed Racer, or Spike Lee's Oldboy), let's not forget director
Park-Chan Wook's adaptation of Garon Tsuchiya and Nobuaki Minegishi 's Oldboy, the live-action tv series based on Tsukasa
Hojo's City Hunter, or Usagi Drop, based on Yumi Unita's original manga.
Singer/actor Haruma Miura, who has been receiving praise for his recent big screen performances, will play the lead role of Eren Yager.
One of the shooting locations has been confirmed as Hashima, more commonly known as Gunkanjima, or Battleship Island, in the Nagasaki Prefecture.
It looks like the studio is keen on using the best
Japan as to offer, when it comes to CGI, special effects, other technical
order to construct this new world, staff who are on the forefront of Japanese
cinema in special effects, VFX, clothing, and more have been assembled. Katsuro
Onoue, who was assistant director on The Floating Castle and Giant God Warrior
Appears in Tokyo, will support director Higuchi as special effects
director. In charge of cinematography is Shoji Ehara, winner of the Japan
Academy Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Cinematography for his work on The Flying Castle. In charge of
lighting is Takashi Sugimoto, winner of the Japan Academy Prize for Outstanding
Achievement in Lighting Direction for his work on Kita no Canary. Also welcomed onto the staff as art director is
Takeshi Shimizu who previously worked on Umizaru. Isao Tsuge, who previously worked on Ryomaden andParasyte on which he was in
charge of makeup and clothing, has joined the cast as clothing designer.
Yoshihiro Nishimura, a leader in special moldings and makeup, is acting as
special molding producer. Also including character designers Yoshiyuki Sadamoto
( Neon Genesis Evangelion ),
Takayuki Takeya ( Giant God
Warrior Appears in Tokyo ), and Kouji Tajima Parasyte, this gathering of top
creators from the words of anime and special effects is not to be overlooked.
Source - Otakumode
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