Last week we learned that
director Quentin Tarantino’s new film, The Hateful Eight was not coming to realization
thanks to a leaked script. Apparently the director chose not to proceed with
the movie after he learned that an agent of one of the actors he sent in the
script in, passed it away to other hands and it ended up on the web, thanks to
Gawker Media.
Now the director is taking legal
action against the Gawker for posting the script online for everyone to
download, under the title “Here Is the Leaked Quentin Tarantino Hateful Eight
Deadline reports that the
filmmaker has filed a lawsuit against the Gawker Media for copyright
infringement and contributory copyright infringement.
Here is what the director had to
say about the matter.
"Gawker Media has made a business
of predatory journalism, violating people’s right to make a buck. This time
they’ve gone too far. Rather than merely publishing a news story reporting that
Plaintiff’s screenplay may have been circulating in Hollywood without his
permission, Gawker Media crossed the journalistic line by promoting itself to
the public as the first source to read the entire screenplay illegally. Their
headline boasts, ‘Here is the leaked Quentin Tarantino Hateful Eight Script’ —
here, not someplace else, but ‘here’ on the Gawker website. The article then
contains multiple direct links for downloading the entire screenplay through a
conveniently anonymous URL by simply clicking button-links on the Gawker page,
and brazenly encourages Gawker visitors to read the screenplay illegally with
an invitation to ‘enjoy’ it. There was nothing newsworthy or journalistic about
Gawker Media facilitating and encouraging the public’s violation of Plaintiff’s
copyright in the screenplay, and its conduct will not shield Gawker Media from
liability for their unlawful activity."
Has always we can’t expect much in
terms of morals and decency from an enterprise that deals in gossip, misfortune
and theft.
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