F Bishop and Warpath In X-Men: Days Of Future Past | Galactic News One

Bishop and Warpath In X-Men: Days Of Future Past

Bishop and Warpath In X-Men: Days Of Future Past

After the released images of Patrick Stewart, Shawn Ashmore and Halle Berry in their costumes, director
Bryan Singer just dropped another bomb via his Twitter account, and it is a big one.  Although the movie clip doesn’t show people in makeup or costume, it shows the actors chairs with the name of the characters on it, and surprise, surprise their they are, Bishop and James ”Warpath” Proudstar, among Xavier, Magneto, Storm, Logan, Kitty Pride, Bobby “Iceman” Drake and Peter “Colossus” Rasputin.

French actor Omar Sy was already cast in the movie, but no one seem to know what his role was going to be, well now we know. There is a strong possibility that he is going to play the iconic character Bishop.

Has for  James ”Warpath” Proudstar, and I don’t want be racial about this thing, actor Booboo Stewart which was also cast long ago, is the only Native American on the cast so there is a higher probability that he is going to play the part of the mutant with superhuman strength and speed.

The video below was sent via Bryan Singer’s account on Twitter with Vine (see here), but tech problems forced us to play it like this. 

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