F 5 Comic Book Adaptations We Would Like To See | Galactic News One

5 Comic Book Adaptations We Would Like To See

Superman vs. Brainiac/Bizarro/Doomsday (DC comics)

Reason: Because everytime there is a Superman movie, the villains are always the same, either Lex Luther, that never puts up a good fight or General Zod and his two minions in their sparkling spandex suits. Enough!, bring some diferent characters, like Brainiac, Bizarro or Doomsday. Let's start with Brainiac, he is a powerfull android, with a twelfth-level intelect (super smart), with different powers which among them is the capability of mimicking Superman powers, besides there would be a great reason for Superman to beat the crap out of him, he stole Kandor, the capital city of Krypton, yes you heard it right he stole an entire city by shrinking it. So Superman, the last kryptonian if able to recover the city from Brainiac would no longer be the last of anything, he would have realy small friends, but at least he would not be alone. Now if Bizarro was the one choosen go all out against Superman it would be a slugfest because he is a clone of Superman, although a deformed and not very smart one, still, same powers, you know heat vision, flight, super strenght, invulnerability, so the movie would be a battle royal of sorts and the last man standing (Superman) would be the winner. Now for a more challenging one Doomsday. Superman kills him but dies in the process, that's right, so far the only bad guy that was capable of killing Superman his this one. I have seen different origin stories for how Doomsday came to be, one is that he is an alien that is in some sort of pod prison thing that crash landed on Earth and it's accidentaly set free by a group of scientist, other is that he his a clone of Superman made by the army, but none of that matters, because he is the only one (so far) capable of killing Superman.    

Lobo (DC comics)

Reason: There needs to be a reason? Look at him, he is a badass bounty hunter. Although accurately speaking is not realy a hero, he is more of an anti-hero, because he does something that other super heroes don't, he kills. The idea for a Lobo movie has been around for some time now and it was never picked up to be developed. Several actors including Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson have said that they would like to play the character, no progress has been made.

Deadpool (Marvel)

Reason: Same thing has Lobo, he kills and enjoys it. Both characters, Lobo and Deadpool would be cool to see on the big screen, because they are the complete oposite of the current comic books adaptations, because (and i don't have any killing tendencies) in almost every super hero movie out there no one really dies, i mean the villains get the s#$% kicked out of them, but almost never die. So it would be a change of pace to see the "good" guy kill the bad guy (I know Sebastian Shaw died in X-Men: First Class). Although the possibility of making the movie was strong, the project seems to be on a standby.

Silver Surfer (Marvel)

Reason: Dude!!!! an intergalactic surfer with awesome powers and a sweet board, what more do you want, besides you know who the villain would be right, Galactus the Devourer of Planets. The Silver Surfer story is one of tragedy, before becoming the intergalactic dude, he was Norrin Radd, a astronomer from the planet Zenn-La. One day Galactus arrives and in order to save his world from being consumed, he becomes infused with a bit of Galactus cosmic power and thus the Silver Surfer is born, the herald of Galactus. More tragic is movie itself, since his appearence in the Fantastic Four 2 : Rise of the Silver Surfer (that didn't do that good at the boxoffice) the promise of a stand alone movie was always around, but apparently it's not going anywhere. The studios say that they are working on the project, but don't get your hopes up.


Sandman (Vertigo)

Reason: This one might impose a bigger problem that the ones mentioned above. The problem is that the book is so good, that if not worked correctly would bring tears too many people faces. Personaly i'm dieing to see another goth type hero be put on the movie screen, because and correct me if i'm wrong, not since 1994 with The Crow have we seen a character like this, besides it would be nice to see a more dark and slow paced comic adaptation movie. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (sorry)
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