F Rachel McAdams On Why She Joined Marvel's Doctor Strange & More | Galactic News One

Rachel McAdams On Why She Joined Marvel's Doctor Strange & More

Rachel McAdams recently took some time from her busy schedule on the set of Marvel's Doctor Strange to travel to New York City, and attend the Gotham Independent Film Awards, which she was there for Spotlight.

MTV News caught up with the actress and they didn't fail to ask her about the highly anticipated project. The actress didn't reveal who she is playing, though rumors say Christine Palmer, aka Night Nurse, but she did opened up about what led her to join Marvel's ever expanding family.

"I mean, I just love the director," McAdams said."I met with Scott [Derrickson] and loved his vision, he was so passionate. And the opportunity to work with Benedict was kind of a no-brainer. And Marvel makes amazing films, so it was a complete package."

Marvel took a visual leap in Ant-Man. The macro scenes and the Quantum Realm were all pretty trippy by Marvel standards, however, for Doctor Strange get ready for things to get weirder.

"It’s definitely not going to be like any of the other films," the actress added.

Opening on November 4, 2016, Doctor Strange also stars Benedict Cumberbatch, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Tilda Swinton, Mads Mikkelsen, and Michael Stuhlbarg, and Amy Landecker.

Source - MTV
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