After NBC canceled
Constantine and many fans thought they would never see their favorite
necromancer ever again, an opportunity arose when Arrow executive producer Marc
Guggenheim revealed that there had been talks of perhaps having Matt Ryan
reprise his role on Arrow. Problem was that the fourth season of Arrow had not been
greenlit at the time, so adding a new variable to the equation was a risky proposition
to the make to the higher-ups.
Well the fourth
season has been greenlit, and in a recent interview with Arrow stars Stephen
Amell, Emily Bett Rickards, and executive producer Wendy Mericle, the subject
of whether the character would appear on the show was raised again.
"Yeah, we really want to do it," said Mericle. "It’s
something we’ve been talking to DC about and it’s just a question of some
political things, but also the actor’s schedule. We’re trying to work it out,
but we don’t know 100 percent if it’s going to happen." The executive
producer also added they are "really optimistic and we would love to have
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