F James Gunn Talks Stan Lee Cameo In Guardians of the Galaxy & Captain Marvel | Galactic News One

James Gunn Talks Stan Lee Cameo In Guardians of the Galaxy & Captain Marvel

Coming from the highest grossing superhero movie in the U.S. and already working on the sequel, James Gunn and brother Sean Gunn made a quick stop at the recent Dragon Con in Atlanta. While there the director revealed among other things, some quirky behind-the-scenes talks he had with Disney, namely about Stan Lee's cameo in Guardians, and whether he had plans to introduce Carol Danvers, aka Captain Marvel to the roster of A-Holes.

The next question asked was about female superheroes within the Marvel universe, whether or not James would be incorporating any of them, and whether he had plans to bring in Carol Danvers, the current Captain Marvel, into the roster.  Gunn stated that he wanted to steer clear of “earthlings” in his side of the Marvel universe, allowing Peter Quill (Chris Pratt) to be the main focus from Earth. While he agreed that more than likely, Carol Danvers would appear sooner rather than later in the Marvel movies, there were plenty of other women in the comic book roster of the Guardians of the Galaxy and he was more than excited to begin introducing them into future films.  The plan, according to Gunn, is to introduce new female characters into the world of Guardians as soon as he could. 

At this point a Captain Marvel or Ms. Marvel movie is all but given, especially considering the latest rumors.

As for introducing some new female characters into the universe of Guardians, there might be couple of characters that could possibly fit in. James Gunn already hinted that Guardians 2 is going to involve Star-Lord and his father, but that doesn't mean that there can't be more family reunions. Now I'm just speculating, but what if one new possible female character is Moondragon, or perhaps Cammi? Let me elaborate (Possible spoilers ahead).

In the comics Heather Douglas, or Moondragon is the biological daughter of one Arthur Douglas, best known (after some tinkering by Thanos' father and grandfather Mentor, and Kronos) by Drax the Destroyer. Upon Thanos' attack on Arthur and his family, Arthur's body is destroyed, but his "astral form" is transplanted into a humanoid body (Drax), who has no memory of his former life, and has a purposely built-in (by Kronos and Mentor) hatred of Thanos, while Heather on the other hand is actually found alive by Mentor, who brings her to his home world, Titan, where she gains her mental and physical powers.

Now I know what you are thinking -but Drax says his daughter is called Camaria/Kamaria in the film- Well, there is also the character Cammi, who might have had her name changed for the movie. Cammi is just a regular Human, who finds Drax on Earth after the prison ship where he was being held, crash-landed. The two befriended one another and after some adventures here on Earth a second prison ship appears a takes them both.

I'm presenting these two possibilities because there are some differences between the Drax character from the comics and the one on the film, so there might be a "merging" of the two into one character called Kamaria, who didn't actually died in the attack, but was taken to Thanos home world, and is now one of his assassin's, since Gamora clearly states that there are more like her and Nebula.

On the other hand the sequel might focus exclusively on Star-Lord and his father, who Gunn already stated will not be J'Son Spartax, so if that's the case than maybe we will get to see a reimagining of Quill's half-sister, Victoria.

Then again, it could be a completely different character.  

What do you think? Too far off?

As for Stan "The Man" Lee's cameo, Gunn says that Disney wouldn't allow him to film that cameo, despite the Jackson Pollock joke.

James then went into a story regarding working with Disney and how he couldn’t believe he was able to get the line referencing Jackson Pollock into the film.  This also led into a story about battles Gunn had with Disney, going more in-depth into which battles he won and which he lost.  One of the losing battles regarded Stan Lee’s original cameo in the film.  Originally, Gunn had planned to have Lee in one of the Collector’s exhibits.  Groot would then look at the exhibit aghast, to which Lee would flick off the large tree creature.

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 opens on July 28, 2017

Source - Collider

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