F Director Joe Carnahan Talks Daredevil Trilogy And Nemesis | Galactic News One

Director Joe Carnahan Talks Daredevil Trilogy And Nemesis

In a recent, interview to Movie Pilot, director Joe Carnahan (The Grey) spoke about the now defunct Daredevil movie trilogy and gave an update on the adaptation of Mark Miller's comic book, Nemesis.

Regarding the Daredevil trilogy, Carnahan says that he was only offered the project when the rights for the property were about to move back to Marvel.

"What people don’t realize about the DD project is that the producers of the film, got to me very late. They had a script that I read and I thought that while the action was wonderful, the story didn’t really have any additional bite. There was nothing I suggested a trilogy as follows. ‘Daredevil ‘73’ ‘Daredevil ‘79’ and ‘Daredevil ‘85’ where I was going to do a kind of ‘cultural libretto’ and make the music of those eras a kind of thematic arc . So the first one would be Classic Rock, the second one would be Punk Rock and the third film would be ‘New Wave.’ The problem was, the option was almost set to lapse so we made an eleventh hour bid to Marvel to retain the rights for a bit longer so I could rework the script. Unfortunately, it just didn’t happen. Marvel wanted the rights back. I don’t blame them."

After Mark Miller's big words about the movie, one would expect the Nemesis adaptation to be getting ready to start production, but it seems that both Carnahan and his brother are still polishing the script.

"I think the biggest challenge with Nemesis is that it’s just a motherf***er of screenplay in that it pushes a lot of buttons and does things that both expand and violate the traditional mores of the ‘comic book adaptation’ and that’s a scary conceit when The Dark Knight is considered the socio-political lynchpin of that particular universe. I think Nemesis f**ks with the genre in such a thumb-in-the-eye fashion that it might simply be something for another time and place. It’s incredibly topical and remains infuriatingly so. I chalk it up to another really wonderful script that my brother and I wrote that simply may be too smart-assed for its own good. My brother and I took our real inspiration from Nemesis in the fact that only one character, the bad guy, wore a costume. From their it deviates from the source material in a number of ways but what remains alive and well is Millar’s simmering disdain for the status quo and the relentless violence that characterizes the graphic novel."

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