F Batman vs. Superman Massive Spoilers – Rumor | Galactic News One

Batman vs. Superman Massive Spoilers – Rumor

Rumors are only “worthy” to be reported when they sound plausible otherwise it’s just better to stay away from delirious “news”, but these following rumors seem like they could fit into the world that Zack Snyder and David S. Goyer created in Man of Steel. The report comes via the LR, who says "someone from the art department that supposedly got shitcanned (apparently a bunch of them were fired). I confirm nothing. Just passing along what I heard. Take it with the proper amount of salt.”

- The villains are Lex Luthor and Metallo

- Batman forms a UN type deal to stop Superman from destroying another city

- Aquaman is in it, but not called Aquaman. He’s there because the world engine in the ocean did something to the fish

- Wonderwoman poses as a Wayne Enterprises investor to retrieve an item that belongs to her people.

- Lex Luthor is in the shadows a lot, a manipulator. Not much face time with Superman.

- Robin betrayed Batman at some point, leading to a falling out between them

- The Batcave was super cool looking, and the mobile looked similar to Burton’s

- Lois is investigating Lex.

- Metallo “kills” Clark

- The Daily Planet is bought by Lex Luthor for PR purposes

- At the end Superman is living in exile, and the Justice League is an government approved superhero team.

Just don’t forget, this could be someone’s imagination running wild, this could someone’s hopes and dreams of what they would like to see on screen or this could be from the first draft of the script, before Chris Terrio’s re-writes. The LR investigated the reports of people being fired from the film, but found nothing, what they found instead was due to the film being pushed from 2015 to 2016, some union contractors have “moved on” to other things. 

But anyway what do you think of this?

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