Tom Holland, who is playing
Peter Parker, a.k.a. Spider-Man in next year's Spider-Man: Homecoming is in
negotiations to join Star Wars' star Daisy Ridley in Doug Liman's YA post-apocalyptic
thriller Chaos Walking.
Based on a novel by Patrick
Ness ("A Monster Calls"), and script by Charlie Kaufman ("Eternal
Sunshine of the Spotless Mind") and Jamie Linden ("Money Monster"),
Chaos Walking is set in a world where all women have been killed by a germ and
all creatures can hear each other's thoughts. Holland would play Todd Hewitt, a young boy forced
to flee is hometown, who happens to come across a most peculiar sighting, a
woman (Ridley).
Doug Davidson, who produced
Liman's Tom Cruise starring thriller Mena, is producing the movie alongside
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story's Allison Shearmur.
Source - THR
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