Sony Pictures
Entertainment has released a new trailer for Academy Awards winning filmmaker Ang
Lee's upcoming Iraq war drama Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk.
Based on the acclaimed bestselling novel of the same
name author by Ben Fountain, Billy Lynn's Long
Halftime Walk stars newcomer Joe
Alwyn as Billy, a young soldier who returns home for a victory tour after a
harrowing battle against Iraqi forces. Through a series of flashbacks, culminating at the
spectacular halftime show of the Thanksgiving Day football game, the film
reveals what really happened to the squad – contrasting the realities of the
war with America’s perceptions.
Opening inn theaters on
November 11, the 120 frames per second drama also stars Vin
Diesel, Kristen Stewart, Garrett Hedlund, Steve Martin, Chris Tucker, Tim Blake
Nelson, and Astro.
Three-time Academy
Award® winner Ang Lee brings his extraordinary vision to Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk, based on the
widely-acclaimed, bestselling novel. The film is told from the point of
view of 19-year-old private Billy Lynn (newcomer Joe Alwyn) who, along with his
fellow soldiers in Bravo Squad, becomes a hero after a harrowing Iraq battle
and is brought home temporarily for a victory tour. Through flashbacks,
culminating at the spectacular halftime show of the Thanksgiving Day football
game, the film reveals what really happened to the squad – contrasting the
realities of the war with America’s perceptions. The film also stars
Kristen Stewart, Chris Tucker, Garrett Hedlund, with Vin Diesel, and Steve
Martin. Lee used new technology, shooting at an ultra-high frame rate for the
first time in film history, to create an immersive digital experience helping
him dramatize war in a way never seen before.
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