Though we usually get the titles and synopsis as the
series progresses, Encore (via Bloody Disgusting)
has released the titles and short synopsis for 9 of the 10 episodes from the first season of Ash vs Evil Dead.
Ep 101 – El Jefe
Ash is baaack! 30 years after his last Deadite fight,
badass blowhard Ash Williams unleashes the Evil in an act of stoned stupidity,
bringing Deadite mayhem into his life again.
Ep 102 – Bait
Special Agent Fisher is tracking Ash. Pablo gets his
first taste of blood in a manic battle, and a revelation changes Kelly’s life
Ep 103 – Books From
A mysterious woman finds the destruction at Kelly’s
parents’ farm. Meanwhile, Ash, Pablo and Kelly reach Books from Beyond with the
Necronomicon and Fisher finds herself in another terrifying, inexplicable
Ep 104 – Brujo

Ep 105 – The Host
Kelly’s current state puts others in jeopardy. This
forces Pablo to make a brave move and Ash to reveal a new side to his
character. Ruby and Fisher join forces in pursuit of Ash.
Ep 106 – The Killer
of Killers
Thanks to his drug-induced vision, Ash knows what to do
with the Necronomicon. Pablo and Kelly notice something ominous. Ash promises
to visit Lem, but Fisher shows up for an almighty showdown with her former
Ep 107 – Fire In The
Ash, Pablo and Kelly, now joined by Fisher, arrive at
the survivalist camp in the midst of chaos and must go to extreme measures to
escape. Meanwhile, more is revealed of Ruby’s mission.
Ep 108 – Ashes To
Ash attempts to bury the book to end the Evil, but
first he must contend with other, more physical things from his past. Fisher
faces a horrific change in Ash.
Ep 109 – Bound In The
Ash battles someone all too familiar, and later hears
a message from the Necronomicon. Meanwhile, the deadliest Deadite attacks.
The 10 half-hour episodes will see Ash (Campbell)
having to return to his old chainsaw-handed monster self after spending the
last 30 years avoiding having to deal with the responsibility of saving the
world from the terrors of the Evil Dead.
Source -
Bloody Disgusting
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