Like in the Empire, The First Order has ranks, and
while we have yet to see the head, Supreme Leader Snoke (Andy Serkis), we have
had a good look at some of its key members like Captain Phasma (Gwendoline
Christie), Kylo Ren (Adam Driver), and General Hux (Domhnall Gleeson).
Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, Gleeson says that his
character is defined by arrogance and disdain over others. "There’s an air
of superiority, and being better than those people around you," he revealed.
"He’s pretty ruthless. A strong disciplinarian would be a mild way of
putting it."
Compared to other Generals in the franchise, Hux is a whippersnapper,
but don't let his young age fool you says Gleeson.
"You don’t get that high up in your life that
quickly unless you’re pretty ruthless," the actor said. "You have to
put a few people down on the way to get there." The actor also revealed
that Hux does not carry a special weapon like a lightsaber or something like
that, he has other people to do his dirty work.
We know that Kylo Ren is looking to complete what
Darth Vader began all those years ago. But what about Hux? Why join the First

As you might have gathered from Gleeson's testimony to
his character mentality so far, General Hux is not a team player and he is not particularly
keen to accept people with special proclivities. So how is his relationship
with force user and Darth Vader admirer, Kylo Ren?
"He’s kind of opposite Kylo Ren," Gleeson
says. "They have their own relationship, which is individual and unusual.
One of them is strong in different ways than the other. They’re
both vying for power."
It seems that there will be multiple conflicts in The
Force Awakens, and not all of them will be as clear-cut or standard as First
Order versus Resistance, or Jedi versus Sith. A fight or struggle within The
First Order would certainly make it all that much more interesting and complex.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens stars Carrie Fisher,
Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, John
Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Lupita Nyong'o, Adam Driver, Oscar
Isaac, Domnhall Gleason, Gwendoline Christie, Max von Sydow, Andy Serkis,
Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew, Kenny Baker, Warwick Davis, Crystal Clarke, and
Pip Andersen.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens opens on December 18.
- EW
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