The last time we
heard anything from 20th Century Fox planned re-adaptation of Agatha Christie's
Murder on the Orient Express was this summer and Kenneth Branagh was eyeing the
director's chair. Now according to The Hollywood Reporter, Branagh will indeed
direct Hercule Poirot's next outing, and more. It seems that the
actor-director's first piece of casting is himself as the iconic Belgian detective.
Many actors have had
the opportunity to play Poirot over the years. Peter Ustinov, Albert Finney, and
Alfred Molina played Christie's iconic and long-lasting character, but
personally the best actor so far to have perfectly encapsulated what the
character is both physically and mentally was David Suchet.
Ridley Scott, Simon
Kinberg, and Mark Gordon are producing the project, which is being penned by
Green Lantern and Blade Runner 2 scribe, Michael Green.
Branagh is also attached
to direct the upcoming big screen adaptation a YA series of novels by Eoin
Colfer titled Artemis Fowl for Disney.
Source - THR
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