Some by design, others
not so much, many questions were left unanswered by the end of Prometheus,
including how this new franchise connects to Alien. For a while it seemed that it
and other questions were going to be answered in the already announced sequel, but
Ridley Scott says otherwise.
"It won’t be in the next one. It will be in the
one after this one or maybe even a fourth film before we get back into the Alien franchise…,"
explained Scott. "The whole point of it is to explain the Alien franchise and to explain the how and
why of the creation of the Alien itself. I always thought of the Alien as kind
of a piece of bacterial warfare. I always thought that that original ship,
which I call the Croissant, was a battleship, holding these biomechanoid
creatures that were all about destruction."
The original screenplay penned by Jon Paihts was a
prequel to Alien, and in it, David (Michael Fassbender) finds and revives the
Space Jockey, who we last saw in the 1979 film "fossilized". But
extensive rewrites by Damon Lindelof, turned the project into an incomprehensible
amalgam of ideas that went nowhere.
Source - Filmfutter (Via Bloody Disgusting)
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