F Stuart Little Remake In The Works | Galactic News One

Stuart Little Remake In The Works

Because Hollywood has completely run out of ideas, Sony Pictures and Red Wagon Entertainment have teamed up to bring us yet another remake. This time both companies are gearing up to start working on a new Stuart Little film, which is said to be in the vein of a John Hughes movie.

The 1945 children's novel by author E.B. White (Charlotte's Web) spawned three live-action/CGI hybrid films back in 1999, 2002, and 2005 starring Hugh Laurie, Geena Davis, Michael J. Fox, Nathan Lane, and Jonathan Lipnicki. The first, and by far the better film was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Visual Effects, and there was also a short-lived animated series back in 2003.

This "new" take on the anthropomorphic mouse will arrive once Red Wagon finishes the last two films in the Divergent franchise, as well as the remake of another film, The Craft.

Source - Tracking Board
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