Though it doesn't hit theaters until later in the year, it looks like Lionsgate is all in for a The Last Witch Hunter franchise with Vin Diesel. According to a message the actor left on his Facebook page, the studio is already working on a sequel, and they want him to commit to a franchise of witch hunting.
So the studio apparently is so excited by the Last
Witch Hunter - The Axe and Cross franchise... that they are already commencing
on the next one. The first one doesn't hit theaters until October 23rd, yet
they want me to commit and already block out time to film it. As always, I love
to hear your feedback...
Kaulder: Are you a good witch... or a bad witch?
Directed by Breck Eisner,
The Last Witch Hunter stars Diesel as Kaulder, a valiant warrior
who managed to slay the all-powerful Queen Witch, decimating her followers in
the process. In the moments right before her death, the Queen curses Kaulder
with her own immortality, forever separating him from his beloved wife and
daughter in the afterlife. Today Kaulder is the last of his kind remaining, and
has spent centuries hunting down rogue witches, all the while yearning for his
long-lost loved ones. However, unbeknownst to Kaulder, the Queen Witch is
resurrected and seeks revenge on her killer causing an epic battle that will
determine the survival of the human race.
The premise still sounds awful
lot like the Seventh Son, and we all know how much of a franchise started that
turned out to be, but since it all comes down to box-office we'll have to wait
for October 23 to see.
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