looks like the master of the dark arts, John Constantine, might be getting a new
lease on life (albeit a short one most likely) after cancelation.
NBC failed to realize, or at the very least failed to correct that having a TV
show targeted to a younger demographic on Friday nights made as much sense as
having Batman patrolling Gotham on public transport, Arrow executive producer
Marc Guggenheim has revealed that there have been talks about having the
character appear on the show.
It’s something we’ve
discussed a great deal. I think there’s a lot of desire on our part as writers
and also on the actor’s part which is also a prerequisite. I think the studio
and DC would be on board with it. I think the tricky thing for us with the show’s
fate up in the air, it complicates things for us a bit. We’re waiting for all
the dust to settle and the pieces to fall into place but it’s something that
continues to come up. We’ve had a lot of discussions in the writer’s room about
it. We have a lot of really good ideas, one in particular that I think is
really fantastic. If it’s feasible and it remains organic to the story, it’s
absolutely something we would do. You know. There are certain things that are
out of our control and need to be resolved before we go that route.
Though cool, it looks
more like a consolation prize than anything else, but I guess beggars can't be choosers.
What do you think?
Source - ComicBook
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