F Hugh Jackman Would Like Iron Man To Crossover With The X-Men | Galactic News One

Hugh Jackman Would Like Iron Man To Crossover With The X-Men

Now that Sony and Marvel have finally reached a deal on the shared use of Spider-Man and other characters, many fans are hoping that the same could apply to Fox, and both their X-Men, and Fantastic Four franchises. However, Sony's impetus for the deal was their lack of clear vision, box-office success and hacking scandal, and not their desire to offer something new, so with Fox currently on a hot streak it's highly unlikely that the same could happen.

While promoting Neill Blomkamp's latest sci-fi film, Chappie, Hugh Jackman was asked what character from the Avengers franchise he would like to see crossing over to the X-Men. Iron Man he replied, adding that "two years ago I’d have said you’d be a real optimist to think it’d ever happen, but weirdly now I just think it maybe could. I think there is the possibility that it will happen."

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