F DC Movies Are Edgier Than Marvel's Says Warner Bros. CEO | Galactic News One

DC Movies Are Edgier Than Marvel's Says Warner Bros. CEO

It's interesting to hear everyone talk about the impending flood of films based or inspired by comic books, when one of the most hectic years is 2016, and it will only see six adaptations spread out along the year. Less of a flood and more of an ankle deep puddle then, and while some seem to be concerned with superhero fatigue, others aren't.

This Wednesday while speaking at the Morgan Stanley Technology, Media &Telecom Conference, Warner Bros. CEO Kevin Tsujihara said that "the key thing is that the movies and the television shows and the games, everything looks very different…you have to be able to take advantage of the diversity of these characters."

While it's true that every movie featuring a superhero is different and taps into different genres, most don't seem to recognize the difference and just merge them into a single group. Just re-watch this year's (boring) Oscars or its best picture winner Birdman, which satirizes the comic book "craze", but truth be told the director could have done the exact same movie using a former action/comedy/horror star, but I have the impression that wouldn't be to zeitgeisty.

Nonetheless, DC is starting to brave into its own shared cinematic universe with what will be its cornerstone Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, which will see Superman, Batman, Aquaman, Wonder Woman and possibly others appear together for the first time in film, much like what Marvel did in the first Avengers.

"The worlds of DC are very different," Tsujihara said. "They’re steeped in realism, and they’re a little bit edgier than Marvel’s movies."

Putting aside the Batman and Robin's of this world, DC has always been slightly more edgy, and darker than Marvel, which although not campy does have a lighter approach, so far.

Source - Variety
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