F Mega Spoilers Part-2: Star Wars: The Force Awakens | Galactic News One

Mega Spoilers Part-2: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Once again, let me begin with -The Following Are To be Considered Rumors- but add that it comes from the same source as the previous Star Wars: The Force Awakens Mega Spoiler, so read at your own risk.

"The premise of the film is that the Force has become stronger and more potent. There is a great tremor in the Force early in the film; those familiar with the Force feel as if its fundamental nature has somehow changed, while previously oblivious Force-sensitive individuals suddenly realize that they have a gift. This creates a great dichotomy of where to go, because neither Luke nor the antagonists are ready for this new liberation of awareness.

Following the repression of the Empire and the Jedi purge, the Force is finally manifesting itself in more people who have the capacity to use it. In this context, it appears as if the Force wants to be used.

John Boyega, Luke Skywalker, and Daisy Ridley

Boyega is, for all intents and purposes, the “new Luke Skywalker” (with a touch of Han Solo thrown in). He realizes he’s Force-sensitive when he feels the aforementioned tremor.

Boyega is an orphan.

Boyega, Daisy, and Adam Driver are all weak in terms of the Force throughout the film.

Luke has trained seven Jedi since Endor, two of whom surface in the third act. It is unknown whether Lupita Nyong’o’s character is included in this distinction.

In terms of character nature, Luke is like Yoda’s successor.

No mention is made of Luke having a child.

Palpatine is referenced a couple of times, particularly regarding his role and the decisions he made during Luke’s temptation and resistance in Return of the Jedi.

Luke went into seclusion following an event post-Endor that has caused him to become hesitant when using his power to its full extent. He’s not really hiding, but rather hoping to keep attention off of his activities.

People think Luke is a bit of a kook given his 20 year absence, but he is said to have a purpose and plan behind his decisions. He’s a bit of an urban legend by the time the film starts.

Luke has come to the conclusion that the Jedi are not meant to be an open, quasi-police force like they were in the prequels. He has a close connection to the living Force, and he believes balance must be maintained through a lack of interference in the mundane conflicts of the galaxy. Luke’s contention is that the Jedi, while still needing to promote peace, order, and harmony, cannot actively become servants for any government – including the Republic. Past events and the demise of the old order are said to have taught him that.

He is also said to be in contact with Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon in addition to Yoda.

Luke does not die, turn evil, or go crazy.

Daisy Ridley’s character, "Kira", has been raised incognito to both keep her safe from Inquisitors and from traitors within the Republic.

Kira's ball droid is not related to R2D2, and its existence was apparently requisitioned by Disney.

She inherits Luke’s original blue lightsaber in the first act of the film.

Luke’s lightsaber is said to be one of the things that sets the entire film into motion.

Han, Leia, Oscar Isaac, and Domhnall Gleeson

Leia has been the Republic leader for some 30 years.

Han and Leia are married.

Han does not die in the film. With that being said, his death is apparently being planned for Episode VIII. I would remind you all, however, that his death was also planned for Episode VI.

The Falcon has been retrofitted by Solo and it is implied that he has had a couple of adventures these past 30 odd years, with and without Leia.

The X-Wings in the trailer are on Yavin.

There are Blue, Red, and Gold fighter squadrons in the film.

Oscar Isaac’s character, "Darklighter", is stationed on Yavin. He is the leader of Blue Squadron.

Han calls Isaac’s character “kid”, much to his annoyance.

Domhnall Gleeson’s character is an Imperial officer who defects to the Republic. He is described as a “wingman” that joins the core cadre of good guys.

Adam Driver, Andy Serkis, Max Von Sydow, and Boba Fett

Adam Driver’s character is the leader of Red Squadron. He is a hot shot fighter axe with dreams of grandeur, and has an ominous fascination with power and the Sith. He collects items relating to their order and has a close relationship with a past character who may or may not have fallen to the Dark Side.

The hilt on the lightsaber he builds (the one from the trailer) is said to not function as a crossguard.

Driver is largely untrained in the Force as of Episode VII.

Andy Serkis’ species is one we have never seen before.

Serkis’ machinations and outlook are very different from Palpatine’s. He believes the Rule of Two is a foolish edict and considers Palpatine as having made a couple of mistakes.

We will learn who trained Serkis in the third act.

Serkis is described as “legit”, and a “worthy foe to [Luke]”.

Max Von Sydow’s character is not Boba Fett, Darth Maul, or Mace Windu.

While Sydow’s identity is a surprise, it’s not necessarily earth-shattering. It’s the sort of thing that hardcore fans would be excited about, but overly casual fans likely won’t realize the significance of. Sydow’s identity does have meaning, but you need to know the context.

Boba Fett does appear, albeit very briefly.

The Expanded Universe

While the EU is disregarded whenever it interferes with the story trying to be told, apparently a few elements from the Del Rey / Bantam books have become legitimate. For example, Boba Fett’s short story in Tales from Jabba’s Palace is assumed to be how he escaped.

No EU characters are used.

Darth Revan is not in the film, and the mask that Adam Driver’s character wears did not belong to him.


The Scandanavian esque planet is called Sullarn (as of the film's second draft), and it exists mostly in the film’s third act.

The planets visited in the film are Tatooine, Yavin, Coruscant, Sullarn, and a final fifth planet from the third act.

Tatooine is only seen in the first act (the Cantina and Garindan make appearances) and Coruscant is seen very briefly. Two parallel storylines converge on Sullarn, where the film’s climax takes place.

Sullarn is said to be like Taiga at its best, and the arctic at its worst.

General Information

There are many visual throwbacks to the prequel trilogy. A lot of conventional props, masks, and prosthetics will be used.

There is no kissing in the movie, no blood, no Benedict Cumberbatch, no Watto, and no black antagonists.

“I am your father” esque twists are trying to be saved/concocted for Episode VIII.

Rebels will have connections to Episode VII, particularly regarding the Inquisitors. Disney has dictated the deep and thorough implementation of the Inquisitors into the Rebels storyline.

Disney has apparently interfered in several matters regarding the film. That, coupled with "oversights", is causing Abrams great stress; Spoiler Man describes him as looking "10 years older every time we see him" and having no love lost for Disney at this point.

There are three lightsaber battles in the film. Two of the three illustrate the vast skill gap between the combatants, and the third is “magnificent”, “heavy hitting”, and “original-trilogy styled”.

The Empire is said to become more of a secondary foe as the new trilogy progresses.

The film is apparently on par (quality wise) with Episode IV. "I'd say its as good as A New Hope", Spoiler Man says when asked which film it measures up to.

Spoiler Man claims to have seen the script and some raw footage/dailies. He has great respect for Kasdan.

He contends that everything he says will be “95% correct”, but also that Disney and Lucasfilm are actively leaking fake information to spin things different ways and throw people off. In February, the influx of information both true and false will result in apparent contradictions.

Ali Arikan is said to be one of the mouthpieces for the fake spins.

Spoiler Man’s last message is that we “don’t fall to the spin machine”."

Source - Reddit

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