The embargo on the set visit from
Avengers: Age of Ultron has been lifted, and a number of reports are coming out
about Joss Whedon's highly anticipated sequel starring Robert Downey Jr.(Iron
Man), Chris Hemsworth (Thor), Mark Ruffalo (the Hulk), Chris Evans (Captain
America), Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow), Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye), Samuel L.
Jackson (Nick Fury), Cobie Smulders (Maria Hill), Stellan Skarsgard (Erik
Selvig), Aaron Taylor-Johnson (Quicksilver), Elizabeth Olsen (Scarlet Witch),
James Spader (Ultron), Thomas Kretschmann (Baron Wolfgang von Strucker) and
Paul Bettany (The Vision).

Whedon goes on to talk about his initial
thoughts about jumping into the world of superheroes, but adds that he always
thought of having Ultron as the main villain in the sequel.
"Before I took the first job, I
said, 'Well, I don’t know if I’m right for this or if I want it or you want me,
but in the second one, the villain has to be Ultron and he has to create the
Vision, and [he] has to be Paul Bettany.' It took me three years before I could
tell Paul that I’d had that conversation."
Whedon also spoke about the creation
of Ultron by Bruce Banner and Tony Stark, and why sometimes the "next
great" ideas aren't all that great.
"In the Marvel universe, there's a lot of
Frankensteins. Steve Rogers himself, one of the better-looking Frankensteins of
our era. There’s a lot of people, whether they're trying to do good or bad, who
think they have the next big idea. And the next big idea is usually a very bad
"'Strong but damaged by power' describes every
person in this movie," Whedon says of the characters. "It may, in
fact, describe what the movie is about. You know, the more power that we have,
the less human we are."
"What makes the Hulk so hard to write is that
you're pretending he's a werewolf when he's a superhero," Whedon says.
"You want it vice versa. You want to see him and Banner doesn't
want to see him, but you don't want Banner to be that guy who gets in the way
of you seeing him. So the question is, how has he progressed? How can we bring
changes on what the Hulk does?"
Whedon goes on to talk about the "next great
idea", the villain Ultron, but is he really?
"Ultron feels a certain distance from humanity.
When he’s in his scenes, you want to feel like he will never understand that
he’s not the hero. Hopefully, you will come out of this... if not agreeing
with him, (then) getting him, and getting his pain, which leads to a lot of
damage, and some humor."
"[He's] very game and has been the whole
time," says the director of James Spader work. "Very interested in
the mechanics of the mechanics, and of finding the humanity. He and I share a
genuine love of this version of Ultron, and he has an innate eccentricity in
his delivery that is everything that I had hoped Ultron would be."
Finally Whedon spoke about Spader's work in
performance capture and describes it as being "...a giant thing with red
dots on it for his eye line, and a giant pack, and a helmet with two cameras in
his face with lights to record his performance."
Avengers: Age of Ultron is scheduled to be released on
May 1, 2015.
Source - Fandango
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