F James Gunn Teases Guardians of the Galaxy 2 | Galactic News One

James Gunn Teases Guardians of the Galaxy 2

While attending the Tokyo International Film Festival, director James Gunn was asked a series of questions about the Guardians of the Galaxy sequel, working with the Marvel mold, and more.

First of the director was asked about the plans for the highly anticipated sequel, and it seems as if Gunn is already thinking about the third entry in the Guardians franchise.

"We open up on a “Mission: Impossible” scenario where all the characters die…No, to be honest, I had the basic story for number two while I was working on number one, and perhaps even beyond that. So it’s gonna answer a lot of questions that are proposed in the first one, and we’ll be able to get to know some of the characters we didn’t get to know in the first one a little bit more, and we might meet a few new characters too."

Gunn also spoke about the balance between making a Marvel movie while still having his own stamp on it.

"I very much knew that there were certain things about ‘Guardians’ that needed to stay the Marvel way, but then figuring out a way around them to do my own thing was I think part of what made me have so much fun with the movie. So there’s always those things, whether they’re budgetary or otherwise. And even on ‘Guardians,’ there was a lot of budgetary constraints."

Finally the director was asked whether he has plans to someday return to his indie roots.

"I think if I were to do something in a lower budget, I’d probably do it in another medium. I would be more interested in doing something like that on television —something I haven’t done.....Definitely “True Detective” was a great example of one director, one story. It worked fantastically well. Well, I thought it worked fantastically well, I know a lot people didn’t. A lot of people didn’t like the last episode, I loved it. But I do have a lot of hardcore atheist friends who react badly whenever there’s even a hint of mysticism."

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 opens on May 5, 2017.

Source - The Playlist

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