For most comic book fans and more specifically to DC ones, Aquaman gets not a bad rap but downplayed because most fans say or think that his only ability is to breath underwater and talk to fish, which isn’t wrong but it isn’t all the character is about, as he can clearly see in feature animations like Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox that came out this year or the videogame Injustice: Gods Among Us (if you haven’t played it you should try)that also came out this year.
Regardless of anyone opinions, DC’s Entertainment
Chief Creative Officer, Geoff Johns says that “He’s a priority character for
the company,”. This was already proven when there was attempt to bring the
character to the small screen in an Aquaman tv series, in which Smallville’s
Green Arrow played by Justin Hartley played Oren, aka Aquaman. But fans should
not worry, because Warner Bros. is currently planning a direct to DVD animated
feature about the character.
In an interview to Variety, Johns talked about the
“There is no
doubt in my mind that this is one of the most well-known characters among
super-heroes, and in popular culture,” he said “We are finding new areas in the
ocean every day. It’s as alien as going to outer space,”.
At this time there isn’t any official news regarding an
Aquaman feature film, but DC comics seems to be pushing the character really
hard in their comics, so maybe with the Justice League film looming over us
there is a chance.
“In 2009 and 2010, Johns turned a large spotlight on
Mera, Aquaman’s wife, giving her more presence and personality than she’s had
in decades. “What I wanted to do was establish Mera alongside Green Lantern and
The Flash in a very big way,” Johns explained, noting that he derived
inspiration from the Queen Gorgo character in the 2007 Zack Snyder movie,
“300.” Rather than playing up Aquaman’s Atlantis connections, Johns said he
deliberately focused on developing his personality, supporting cast and enemies
like Black Manta and the Ocean Master.”
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