F The Clock Is Ticking For Y: The Last Man Adaptation | Galactic News One

The Clock Is Ticking For Y: The Last Man Adaptation

Last year it was announced that director Dan Trachtenberg was going to helm the adaptation of Y: The Last Man, which had been stuck in ultra-development since almost 2002, when the comic book was first released. Now the author, Brian K. Vaughn says in an interview to CBR that the right to the comic book could be soon reverting back to him and co-creator Pia Guerra if production doesn’t start soon.

"It's my understanding that the rights to 'Y: The Last Man' will revert back to co-creator Pia Guerra and me for the first time in a decade if the planned New Line adaptation doesn't start shooting in the next few months," Vaughn tells the outlet. "So I expect there will be some 'Y' news in 2014 either way."

Y: The Last Man tells the story of Yorick Brown, who along his capuchin monkey called Ampersand survives a worldwide catastrophe that wipes out all the males of every species on the planet. Now in an world full of women, Yorick teams up with government agent, 355 to try uncover the truth behind the plague and why he was the only male to survive it. 

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