F Batman vs. Superman Rumors - 2 Villains, More Superman Less Batman And More | Galactic News One

Batman vs. Superman Rumors - 2 Villains, More Superman Less Batman And More

Despite the latest announcements, Zack Snyder’s Batman vs. Superman is still a big unknown. Names are constantly being thrown out there; Denzel Washington and Dwayne Johnson are some of the latest, with both being named to play Green Lantern, or in Washington’s also Lex Luthor. But there are also other questions, like how big of an impact will Wonder Woman have on the story, will there be more than one villain like it was rumored, or will there be more Justice League members making into the film, like for example the Flash, Martian Manhunter or Aquaman.

Batman on Film has addressed some of these questions, and while some seem more like opinions and pure speculation, others sound legit.

Regarding Lex Luthor really being in the film and another villain making the cut, the website had this to say:
“Yes. And sorry, I’m not at liberty to reveal the ID of the other villain at this time…but the character is highly rumored to be in the film.”

So… Doomsday? Metallo?...

And what about Jason Momoa, who was apparently being eyed to play … perhaps the Martian Manhunter or Aquaman?
“Nope and nope. Neither of those characters are in this film.”

The website also says that there won’t be any characters from Batman’s rogue gallery. The news outlet also says that Batman, Wonder Woman and any other heroes that might come along won’t have a massive impact on the story, because this will mainly be a Superman film.
“Based on all my intel…NOPE. It’s a Superman film – a Superman film that just so happens to include Batman and Wonder Woman – but a Superman film nonetheless.”

I’m not so sure, because then why cast Ben Affleck to play Batman? Isn’t that too much of an expense just to have Batman play a small secondary role? I get that if the next film is Justice League and if this one has Batman in it, you would want to have the same actor for both films, but still...Unless we don’t really see Batman but only Bruce Wayne.

The website also says that Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman will be “on par with Scarlett Johansson’s first appearance as Black Widow in IRON MAN 2.” So not much of a role, more like an introduction to the character. They also gave the origin story for the Amazons tribe, from which Wonder Woman comes.
“…the “Amazons” of this cinematic DCU will be descendants of those “ancient Kryptonians” who attempted to set up Kryptonian outposts throughout spacedom thousands and thousands of years ago. Furthermore, I say that Wonder Woman will be powered-down, if you will, relative to Superman because these Amazons have evolved and adapted to living on Earth for hundreds of centuries.”

I’m more of Marvel fan then a DC one, but aren’t the Amazons like protected by the Gods hence the super-strength, etc…?

As always we should take this with a grain of salt, since it’s just rumor, speculation and perhaps wishful thinking.

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