Joss Whedon in an interview with Yahoo! Movies said that the draft for Avenger
2 is done, that he doesn’t think the second movie needs to top the first one
and then e dropped a bomb, he said that there is going to be a brother and
sister act in the movie, well what brother and sister do we know? Quicksilver
and Scarlet Witch of course. But does this mean that there is going to be a
X-Men Avenger mashup in the future? Well it’s possible. Think about this, both
Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are the biological children of Magnetoand lots of
X-Men characters were part of the Avengers rooster, for instance Beast,
Wolverine, Storm and countless others, so there is a possibility. But let’s
return to the facts:
“I have actually finished a draft and
I’m redoing it now. I think it’s in really good shape. We’re in a very good
place… It’s going really well, eventually someone will explain to me that it’s
not and pull me out of my bubble. I’ve been writing and meeting with actors and
we’re starting to storyboard, all the preliminary processes. This is the part
where it’s all still fun.”
“I’ve got these two characters, two of
my favorite characters from the comic book, a brother-sister act. They’re in
the movie.”
“I try not to think of it as topping it.
I try to think of this as its own movie. Sometime yeah, I feel pressure and by
the way, Shane [Black] not helping, Iron Man 3 not helping, because I saw this and man
he really got it right. But when you’re in the story and you’re dealing with
these characters that you love, that everybody loves, when you’ve got the new
characters sliding in next to them it’s very exciting. Then I don’t feel
pressure, it’s like I’m reading my favorite comic.”
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