With movies based on
video games yet to prove themselves, Sony Pictures has removed the live-action
adaptation of Uncharted from their 2017 release line-up.
According to
Exhibitor Relations, the big screen adventures of video game icon Nathan Drake have
been postponed indefinitely with no apparent release date in sight, meaning no
shifts in release dates or the TBA stamp, just removed.
Insert Pac-Man dying SFX here. Sony's video game adaptation of UNCHARTED, set for 6/30/17, has been removed from their release calendar.— Exhibitor Relations (@ERCboxoffice) 1 de setembro de 2016
Fortunately or unfortunately
(depending on where you stand), the film seems to be very much alive with
filmmaker Joe Carnahan, who was tapped to (re)write the film not too long ago, today
teasing the opening the scene of the movie.
The opening scene for UNCHARTED...at least in script form, is really, REALLY GOOD.— Joe Carnahan (@carnojoe) 2 de setembro de 2016
Uncharted was
supposed to have gone into production last year for a June 2017 release, but
various delays including script problems, and a revolving door of directors and
lead actors made the project fall behind in schedule.
Uncharted is an action-adventure game that follows the Indiana Jones type
character Nathan Drake in his hunt for mythical cities such as El Dorado, and
Shangri-La and the treasures contained within them while fighting hordes of
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